Oda Godere Locality, Assoso Zone, Western Greenstone Belt, Benishongul-Gumw Regional State Located some 600 km west of the capital, the region is favorable
for primary gold mineralization.
Gold has been mined in Ethiopia since Axumite era. Currently about 3000 Kg of gold is produced annually by traditional miners in different parts of the northern,
southern and western greens tone belts that are part of the Arabo-Nubian shield. At Oda Godere and other localities of western Ethiopia, gold prospecting and
mining concessions were granted to some French and Italian companies as early as 1890s.
The Oda Godere locality is one of the most auriferous regions in western greenstone belt where placer gold mining is an
important economic activity of the local people.
Systematic but intermittent gold exploration started since the 1970s. Primary gold indications were found by the Geological
Survey of Ethiopia and some foreign companies in the early 1990s. Rayan was granted exploration license in 2007 over an area
of 58 sq km.
Rayan's integrated exploration project identified anomalous zone of prima ty gold mineralization covering an area of 9 sq km along a N-S shear zone. Planned
exploration activities include further trenching and drilling.
Galesa Locality, Metekel Zone, Western Greenstone Belt-Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State Located some 600 km from Addis Ababa, the area shows great
promises for primary gold mineralization.The region is part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield where important gold deposits have been discovered in Saudi Arabia.
Egypt, the Sudan. Ethiopia and further south. Recently, the Geological Survey of Ethiopia conducted systematic gold exploration in western greenstone region and
defined numerous anomalous zones that are transferred to the private sector.
Exploration for primary gold deposits is intensified in the N-S stretching greenstone belt by different companies since the late 1990s and early 2000s. Recently two
commercial deposits are discovered by mining companies exploring in the region.
Rayan investments plc has undertaken exploration licenses since 2007 holding two contiguous blocks:- Jejebe Gesa and Geshe, and Tuski-Gambela-west Geshe
targets covering a total area of 183 sq km. Currently a rtisa nal miners exploit gold from streams draining the exploration blocks of the company.
Rayan defined anomalous targets that indicate primary gold mineralization based on continued research and integrated exploration activities.
Rayon has two cement projects in the country targeting two major market centers: Addis Ababa and its surrounding and Dire Dawa cities.
Gohatsion Cement Project
The proposed 1.3 million tons per anum Gohatsion Cement Plant , to be erected at about 186 km NW of the Capital Addis Ababa, in North Shewa Zone, Oromia
Regional State is based on the industrial mineral resources of Filiklik locality, upper slopes of the Blue Nile River. Geological Studies confirmed availability of huge
quantities and good quality limestone, gypsum, clays, and other correctives. The Site has quite good access to all necessary infrastructure and supplies.
Pre-feasibility was completed in 2008 by HOLTEC PLC. Feasibility study and land request for the plant is in progress.
Dire Dawa Cement Project
An initial plant capacity of 700,000 tons per anum plant is proposed to be erected in the suburb of Dire Dawa. Exploration conducted since 2007 proved
occurrence of all necessary cement raw minerals around Dire Dawa, except gypsum which is being explored in Dawele area. Geological investigations over
171 sq. km license area resulted in selection of best resources and sites for development. Mining feasibility study is in progress and ready for mining permit and
land request.
Rayan Investments has granite exploration project in Assosa area,
Bensha ngul-G um uz Regional State, some 600 km west of the capital.
Geological and technological studies proved the suitability of the pink
granite for decorative stone. Reserve estimation conducted during
initial stages of the feasibility study proves the existence over 1 million
tones of inferred granite reserve.
The company strives to fulfill its own energy demand for the
planned cement plants. Two exploration projects obtained in
late 2008 are well under way at Galesa in western part of the
country (130 sq km area), and Kumbabe-Didu and Amuma-Yayu
in southwestern Ethiopia over a total exploration area of
380 sq km. Preliminary geological assessments indicate
potential for coal and oil shale resources in the target areas.